Cerejeira Namora, Marinho Falcão established a team to assist Ukrainian citizens and their families, providing a dedicated service through the email ukraine@sociedadeadvogados.eu
Learn more in this article.
The Council of Ministers approved Resolution No. 29-A/2022 with the aim of establishing measures for granting temporary protection to people displaced from Ukraine as a result of the armed conflict.
Given the specialty and urgency to act in a pragmatic way, the proofs available to certify the eligibility conditions are simplified and softened, including the exemption of presenting a criminal record certificate.
Citizens of Ukraine and their family members - even if of other nationalities - are granted temporary protection with the automatic granting of a residence permit for a period of 1 year (with possible renewal).
In all protection requests, the Immigration and Borders Service (SEF) will automatically communicate to all entities and bodies, namely for the purpose of automatic attribution of:
social security id
taxpayer number, and
national health system id.
In addition, citizens covered by the protection regime may benefit from:
Adequate accommodation
Support and means of subsistence
Medical assistance with emergency care and basic treatment
Access to public education for minors
Social benefits under the non-contributory regime
Cerejeira Namora, Marinho Falcão established a team to assist Ukrainian citizens and their families, providing a dedicated service through the email ukraine@sociedadeadvogados.eu