
Ribeiro Pacheco

Primary Associate

Joana Ribeiro Pacheco joined Cerejeira Namora, Marinho Falcão in 2024, where she works in the Tax practice area.

She has a law degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto, a postgraduate degree in Corporate Tax Law from IDET, the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, and a master's degree in Tax Law from the Portuguese Catholic University - Porto Regional Centre.

She has extensive experience in Tax Law, having worked in the Tax Litigation team at Garrigues, the Tax teams at Telles, and later at RSN. She has experience in Tax Litigation and in providing legal advice to national and international Clients in the several areas of tax law.

In addition to her professional activity, she was a guest lecturer at ISPAB, where she taught Tax Law, and is regularly invited to speak on topics related to Tax Inspection and the State Budget.


English, Spanish and German



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